Game Of Thrones Season 8, Episode 6 Review: The Iron Throne Melts Down And So Do Our Expectations! Didn't Sign Up For This Disaster

I feel cheated after 8 years of loyalty towards the show. The finale episode of Game Of Thrones, Season 8 was a mammoth of a disaster and I can vouch every GoT fan is feeling the same. David Benioff and D.B Weiss, what have you guys done?

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Game Of Thrones Season 8, Episode 6 Review: The Iron Throne Melts Down And So Do Our Expectations! Didn't Sign Up For This Disaster
I will give no spoilers alert, I will not suggest that you go watch the episode before reading this review, because I kid you not, your mood will get less spoilt by reading this than watching the finale episode. If I was the three-eyed raven and could travel back in time like Brandon Stark, I would have rather skipped watching this episode and kept good memories about the show and its par excellence past episodes, intact.

Daenerys Targaryen, the character which was built so meticulously, in the past 7 years, episode by episode, scene by scene, instance by instance, got just 30 seconds of screen space after Jon Snow, her lover and nephew, stabbed her to death. Oh, did I just tell you this path breaking/hideous twist in a breath? Well, don’t blame me, so did the makers! And trust me that pinched a thousand times more than it would have to you right now, reading it.

Still From Game Of Thrones

You CANNOT kill Daenerys after making her the most loved character of the show, you CANNOT show Jon Snow as a loser, who is left with nothing, after proving to be the life saviour of millions, you CANNOT show a clueless Sansa Stark, sit on the throne as Queen In the North, and to justify it give her one line and show her apologise to Jon saying, “will you forgive me?” You CANNOT give 10 minutes of screen space, mind you in the finale episode, to a frivolous council meeting, talking about the importance of brothels. No, you simply CANNOT goof-up the end after serving the audience 8 years of fabulous, flawless and nail-biting series. The end was clearly rushed, no decisions looked natural. Had they shown these character transitions panning out in 1 more season, the finale would have been different, probably with the same ending.

The only scene which made sense in the episode and had depth, was when Drogo burns down the iron throne after seeing his mother lie in a pool of blood. He blames the throne for her death, and not Snow. You can see the pain in his eyes but since this finale was no less than a joke, let me crack one for you- it was not the pain of losing his mother, but Drogon too was feeling what a blunder this is! Nonetheless, the poor creature lifts his mother in his claw and flies away to the East, where he was born. And that’s the last you see of Daenerys and Drogon in the finale.

Still From Game Of Thrones

The killer- Jon Snow, is taken as a prisoner by the Unsullied. After a few months, when the sun shines bright and snow has washed off, our Snow, who we expected to emerge as a winner, is sent to Castle Black- from where his journey began.

Remember Maester Aemon Targaryen at Night’s Watch? In Season 1, he tells Snow “Love is death of duty” our innocent Jon reverses it (of course, on Tyrion’s persuasion) and takes it as “Duty is death of love” It’s a shame how his character, who rose to be so strong in Season 5, 6 and 7, is brought down so disappointingly in the finale episode. When you see him going away as he rides with the wildlings North of the wall, you feel like shaking him and telling him, “You are Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen’s blood, what is wrong with you?” The only good part you see in this scene- Ghost!

Still From Game Of Thrones

Brandon Stark, the three-eyed raven, is now the King of seven Kingdoms and guess what? If you thought he never wanted to rule, think again, because the broken king, with his famous straight face, says,  “Why do you think I came all this way?”  The finale has made one thing clear for sure, Jon Snow was the only clueless wolf in his pack.

Tyrion Lannister lives, of course, after expressing remorse for his dead twin siblings-Jamie and Cersie. For the first time, his words and knowledge irritates. Along with Grey Worm, I too felt like telling him, “Oh, just stop with your wisdom, for Pete sake!”  I wonder the entire conversation between Jon and him in the dungeon was about provoking Snow to do the right or instigating him to kill Danny, so that his revenge is taken for his dead brother and sister. Oh, and he is declared Hand Of The King . Surprised? A big Yawn to that!

Still From Game Of Thrones

Let’s talk about Arya Stark, a complete waste of a brave assassin, who BTW killed the Night King. She heads to explore West of Westeros, why? Well, we don’t know and I am sure the makers will have a same reply.

Sansa Stark is happy wearing her silk gown and crown and ruling the North. Don’t wish to comment on her character and give importance, as our dear writers have done that more than enough.

Still From Game Of Thrones

Thanks to the writers and directors, David Benioff and D.B Weiss, I won’t be saying I’ll miss the show for the right reasons. Yes, I’ll miss it but because it didn’t get the end it deserved. I wish they waited for George RR Martin to finish his version of Song of Fire and Ice and televised the same, instead of putting in their creative thinking. In case, you’re unaware, Martin too is frustrated with the last Season and its end.

Absolutely no highlights in the episode, nothing to brag about! If there is anything to do, it’s just criticism and it pains to do that as an ardent lover of the show. But as makers made this out to be- “Duty is the DEATH of love,” Indeed!

Image Source:Hotstar